February 17, 2025 - Start Date:


Course PRO GTM

It's hard to believe, but this course is even more practical than PRO ANALYTICS The real-world problems you will solve in GTM are actually mega interesting and diverse. Just read a few reviews of our students and everything will fall into place. Seriously, you will go from tracking all possible buttons on websites to setting up e-commerce and end-to-end analytics through GTM.

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  • 120+happy studentsstudents
  • 30+video hourstime
  • 70+practical taskstasks
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Who is this Course For?


    • Those who want to optimize their workflow: Mastering Google Tag Manager will improve your work efficiency, allowing you to make changes to your site faster and launch marketing initiatives.
    • Those who want to analyze user actions in more depth: With GTM, you can set up event and goal tracking, which will provide you with more granular information to analyze and optimize your marketing campaigns.
    • Those who want to simplify tool management: GTM makes it easy to integrate and manage various marketing and analytical tools on a website, making the process more organized.

    • Those who want to improve their analytics skills: Mastering Google Tag Manager will help you increase your data analytics skills, as you'll be able to more accurately track and analyze user web behavior.
    • Those who want to expand their tracking capabilities: With GTM, you can build sophisticated event, conversion, and goal tracking tools that help web analysts get more data to analyze.
    • Those who want to optimize time and effort: Because GTM simplifies the process of making changes to your site's code, you can implement new tracking and experiments faster.

    • Those who want to improve conversion tracking: Google Tag Manager allows you to accurately track conversions and traffic sources, which helps you to effectively evaluate the results of your advertising campaigns.
    • Those who want to implement remarketing effectively: GTM allows you to set remarketing codes, which makes it easier to create and manage advertising lists and audiences.
    • Those seeking to reduce advertising costs: Optimization of advertising campaigns based on data collected by GTM allows PPC professionals to reduce advertising costs and increase its effectiveness.

Learning Experience

  • 01


    20 lectures grouped into 4 blocks. You will have access to the course materials, as well as UPDATES, forever.

  • 02


    More than 100 tasks for self-testing after watching videos.

  • 03


    70+ homework assignments on test sites that will allow you to consolidate your knowledge in practice. I check these tasks personally and provide individual feedback on each of them.

  • 04


    10 webinars that last until you have no more questions.

  • 05


    Your opportunity to showcase what you've learned during the course with your own project and get personalized feedback.*If you don't have your own website, you'll be offered an alternative.


Course Syllabus

  • Module 1.

    Introduction to GTM. Installing analytics systems and sending basic events

    What You Will Learn
    • Why you need GTM
    • How it works
    • How to check if the manager tag is installed on your website
    • Create an account and container
    • Installation on the site
    • Writing a technical task for a programmer
    • Account structure
    • User management
    What You Will Achieve

    After watching this lecture, you will master the basics of Google Tag Manager, learn how to install it on your website and check for correct installation, understand the structure of GTM and how to manage user access to your GTM account.

    What You Will Learn
    • Tags.
    • Triggers
    • Variables
    • Installing Google Analytics 4
    • Checking the installation of Google Analytics 4
    What You Will Achieve

    In this lecture, you will get acquainted with the basic entities, such as tags, triggers, and variables, and solve your first practical task, namely installing the Google Analytics 4 code on your website. You will also learn how to check the installation of Google Analytics 4 to ensure that the analytics works correctly on your website.

    What You Will Learn
    • Preview mode
    • Installing the Facebook Pixel
    • Pixel Helper extension
    • Installing Hotjar
    • Workspaces in GTM
    What You Will Achieve

    You'll learn how to set up Facebook Pixel and Hotjar integration on your website via Google Tag Manager. You'll also learn about GTM's preview mode, workspaces, and important extensions like Pixel Helper to verify that these tools work correctly on your site.

    What You Will Learn
    • What are events in GA4. Standard and custom events. Event parameters
    • Events of improved statistics in GA4
    • Event transfer tag in GA4
    • Trigger Click on the link
    • Tracking clicks on social networks
    • Tracking of clicks on phone numbers and email
    • Variable Look Up Table (lookup table)
    • Tracking internal link clicks
    • Getting started with CSS selectors
    What You Will Achieve

    You will understand the difference between standard and custom events and learn how to independently track the events of clicks on social network links and clicks on phone numbers and email addresses.

    What You Will Learn
    • Tracking clicks on buttons and elements
    • Advanced familiarity with CSS - selectors
    • Regular expressions
    • Writing your own CSS - selectors
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn how all elements on the site are structured, what CSS selectors and attributes are. Thanks to this, you will learn how to track clicks on any elements on the site using CSS selectors and regular expressions. Moreover, you will be able to write your own selectors, which will allow you to optimize settings for solving complex tracking problems.

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  • Module 2.

    Tracking user interaction with the website. Collecting and analyzing data in Google Analytics

    What You Will Learn
    • Tracking scrolling with GTM
    • Basic page view triggers (Page View, DOM Ready, Window Load)
    • Introduction to the Data Layer
    • Tracking Youtube video views on the site
    What You Will Achieve

    You'll learn new types of triggers that will help you set up basic scrolling and user interaction tracking for YouTube videos. You'll start working with the dataLayer, a data layer in GTM that is a JavaScript object used to pass information from a website to GTM.

    What You Will Learn
    • Changing the scrolling threshold depending on the length of the page
    • Changing the scrolling threshold depending on the content of the page
    • Block scrolling tracking
    • Tracking scrolling and time on the active tab using a custom script
    • Tracking views of Vimeo videos on the site
    • Examples of using JavaScript in GTM
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn more about JavaScript and learn how to place scripts on the site that will help you use custom solutions for more advanced scrolling and video tracking.

    What You Will Learn
    • Form submission tracking using the Form Submission trigger
    • Parsing the Element Availability trigger
    • Tracking form submissions with the Item Availability trigger
    • Tracking form submission using a custom event
    • Writing technical specifications of the programmer
    • Ajax form tracking
    What You Will Achieve

    After this lecture, you will know all the built-in functionality of GTM for tracking forms. You'll be able to hone your skills on a test site with forms that use different technologies and therefore require different tracking approaches.

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    What You Will Learn
    • Form submission tracking using validation
    • Tracking the start of form filling (change event)
    • Form abandonment event tracking (at which stage the user stops filling out the form)
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn about all possible custom ways to track forms. After these two lectures, there won't be any form left that you can't track. What's more, you'll even be able to track other user interactions with forms, such as when the user starts filling out the form or when the user stops filling out the form.

    What You Will Learn
    • Events in GA4
    • Conversions in GA4
    • Building reports in GA4
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn how the data that you learned to collect in previous lectures are displayed and how to work with them. You will be able to set up conversions, audiences and build custom reports based on the collected data.

  • Module 3.

    Ecommerce settings in GA4. Transfer of User ID and Client ID. Working with cookies and storage

    What You Will Learn
    • What is Ecommerce
    • Writing technical specifications of the programmer
    • Ecommerce settings in GTM
    • Ecommerce audit
    • Self-configuration of Ecommerce
    • Working with Ecommerce data in Google Analytics 4
    What You Will Achieve

    You will be able to completely set up Ecommerce on the project yourself, starting from writing the TOR for the developer and ending with working with data and building custom funnels in GA4. You will practice your skills on special test sites, where you can work out the most common mistakes and prepare for future real projects.

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    What You Will Learn
    • Working with the Element Visibility trigger
    • Point notation in GTM
    • Using a custom variable to configure Ecommerce
    • Transmission of data about interaction with internal promos in GA4
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn how to write your own JavaScrip scripts using the example of the task of tracking promotional banners on the website and how to make advanced settings for Ecommerce events.

    What You Will Learn
    • What is Client ID and why should it be passed to GA
    • Transfer of Client ID to GA4
    • User ID tracking
    • Custom parameters and event indicators
    • Custom settings at the level of users and products
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn about such entities as Client ID and User ID and will be able to transfer this information to GA4. In addition, you will learn how to work with custom parameters in Google Analytics 4.

    What You Will Learn
    • Working with element visibility variable
    • Working with variable URLs
    • Working with the RegEx Table variable
    • A group of triggers
    What You Will Achieve

    You will get acquainted with new types of variables in GTM and solve a practical problem with the help of a group of triggers, namely tracking the event of user interest in your content.

    What You Will Learn
    • What are cookies, local storage and session storage
    • Receiving and recording data
    • Work with local storage
    • Work with session storage
    • Working with cookies
    • How to prevent resending transactions in GA4
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn about such browser entities as cookies, local storage and session storage, which allow you to store information about users. You will also learn how to solve a practical problem with repeated transactions on the website using these entities.

  • Module 4.

    Work with advertising systems. Advanced features of the tag manager

    What You Will Learn
    • Sending basic events to Facebook
    • Send custom events to Facebook
    • Setting up custom conversions
    • Setting up dynamic remarketing on Facebook based on Ecommerce GA4 data
    • Getting to know templates in GTM
    What You Will Achieve

    You'll learn how to transmit standard and custom events to Facebook Pixel and understand how to set your own dynamic remarketing codes on FB. Additionally, you will be able to set up special conversions and audiences on Facebook based on the collected data.

    What You Will Learn
    • What is a conversion linking tag and why is it needed
    • Transferring conversions to Google Ads
    • Working with the Google Ads remarketing tag. Setting the Google Ads dynamic remarketing code
    What You Will Achieve

    You will master all the nuances of data transfer in Google Ads and learn how to set up conversion transfer and set dynamic remarketing codes based on Ecommerce codes for GA4.

    What You Will Learn
    • Installing the LinkedIn base code. Sending events to LinkedIn
    • Installing the TikTok base code. Sending events to TikTok
    • Installing the base code of other advertising systems. Sending events to other advertising systems
    What You Will Achieve

    You will understand the logic of installing basic codes and transferring data to any other systems using the example of TikTok and LinkedIn.

    What You Will Learn
    • End-to-end analytics with GTM and Google Sheets
    • Writing your own triggers
    • Tag sequences
    • Tracking user behavior in the browser
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn how to write your own triggers that will help you track any user's actions on the site. You will build a simplified version of end-to-end analytics with GTM and Google Sheets using the Custom Image trigger type.

    What You Will Learn
    • Versions
    • Import and export of containers
    • GTM Tools
    • Folders
    • Event map
    • Useful tools, extensions
    What You Will Achieve

    You will receive recommendations and information on best practices when working with GTM. You will also learn how to optimize your work with the container import and export functionality and what useful tools exist to make working with GTM easier.

how much?

Course Fee

Your Ticket to the World of AnalyticsYouTodayProAnalytics.Price:Duration:$50010 WEEKSYour Ticket to the World of AnalyticsYouTodayProAnalytics.Price:Duration:$50010 WEEKS

What You Will Gain

  • 10

    weeks of intensive training, during which you will master all aspects of web analytics and learn how to apply them to real-world situations.

  • 100+

    tasks on the platform that will help you consolidate your theoretical knowledge and develop your web analytics skills using real-life examples.

  • 70+

    practical tasks on real websites, where each task will be reviewed by the teacher, and you will receive personal feedback for each completed task. If you can't do the assignment the first time, you will receive a hint and can retake it)

  • 10+

    question-and-answer webinars, where you can ask questions without restrictions and until you have no unanswered questions.

  • access to the alumni community that brings together web analytics professionals so you can continue to learn, network, and find new ideas.

  • access to all materials, which will allow you not only to repeat the material you have learned, but also to get access to updates and additional content.



Алена Терещенко

Алена Терещенко

January 9th, 2020

• Дуже інформативно, реально багато практики; • Макс змушує думати «навіщо» щось налаштовувати і чому саме так. Для мене знати «навіщо» дуже важливо. Не менш важливо, ніж знати «як»; • Є окремий блок інформації про те, як навести лад у контейнері GTM, щоб не заплутатися самому та передати справи і

Olga Zlatnik

Olga Zlatnik

February 7th, 2024

Хочу подякувати за курс PRO GTM! Пройшла курс майже, але не вистачило мене на все. Курс і викладач дуже крутий. Ці 10 тижнів були як окрема частка життя, дуже емоційний період з купою азарту! Насичена програма і форма викладання заслуговують уваги навіть тих, хто 100% впевнений в собі. Якщо цікаво п

Оля Христенко

Оля Христенко

February 1th, 2024

Пройшла у Макса PRO GTM і дійсно, щиро раджу не вагатися, а йти. Макс класний, як викладач, але, іноді, ви будете в шоці, а може десь будете і ненавидити його) але знання отримаєте Знання, які одразу зможете впевнено використовувати.


Maks Hapchuk

  • In the field of Internet marketing since 2015

  • Author of the blog ANALYTICS TIPS

  • Author of the Telegram channel ANALYTICS TIPS

  • Author of the YouTube channel ANALYTICS TIPS

  • Lecturer at the online school of digital professions Superludi

  • Certified Google Analytics

  • Lecturer at the School of Contextual Advertising by Tatiana Mikhalchenko

  • Lecturer at the Academy of Internet Marketing WebpromoExperts

  • Lecturer at UAMASTER School of Digital Advertising


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