February 17, 2025 - Start Date:


Course Server-side GTM Basics

If you're worried about cookie lifespan and website loading speed, this is the place to be. With our video lectures, you'll be able to handle any configuration in GTM Server Side.

Start Date:
  • 50+happy studentsstudents
  • 7+video hourstime
  • 40+practical taskstasks
Let's go

Who is this Course For?


    • Who want ads to work better and cookies to live longer
    • Who understand that website loading speed directly affects the conversion rate and want to improve it
    • Those who want to control what personal data is collected by advertising systems

    • Who want to improve the quality of tracking by using First-party cookies
    • Those who want to learn how to reduce the impact of marketing and analytical codes on website loading speed
    • Those who want to learn advanced techniques for collecting information about user interaction with the site

    • Who realize that an hourly rate of $40-70 is what they need. That's how much is offered for setting up Server-Side GTM on Upwork
    • Who want to develop their customers with advanced data collection methods
    • Those who have already signed up for Server-Side GTM setup, but still don't know how to do it because YouTube manuals don't help

Learning Experience

  • 01


    6 lectures in video and screenshot format. You will have access to the course materials and updates for 2 years.

  • 02


    More than 25 test tasks for self-testing your theoretical knowledge.

  • 03


    20 test tasks that will allow you to make sure that you have understood all the material correctly and have fully mastered it.


Course Syllabus

  • Module 1.

    Introduction to Server-side GTM. Deployment of SS GTM.

    What You Will Learn
    • What is Server-Side GTM?
    • Who needs a Server-Side GTM
    • Advantages of Server-Side GTM
    • Principles of work
    • Disadvantages of Server-Side GTM
    • Getting to know the interface
    What You Will Achieve

    You will get a deep understanding of what Server-Side GTM is, how it differs from regular GTM, and how you can use this technology in your project. You will also learn the basic principles of its operation.

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    What You Will Learn
    • Deploying GTM SS based on Cloud Run
    • Deploying GTM SS based on the App Engine
    • Terms of reference for deploying GTM SS on your own server
    • Additional material: Deploying GTM SS on your own server
    What You Will Achieve

    After watching the lecture, you will understand in detail the different ways to deploy a server-based tag manager both on Google Cloud Platform and on your own server.

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  • Module 2.

    Data transfer to GA4, FB and Google Ads from GTM Server-side

    What You Will Learn
    • Sending data to GTM SS
    • Getting to know the client
    • Data sending to GA4
    • Principles of work of clients
    • Built-in variables in the server side
    • User identification when working with Server-Side GTM
    • Migration from a user ID in a browser
    What You Will Achieve

    You will understand why the client is one of the main entities of the server GTM. And data transfer to GA4 is complicated only in theory, but in practice it takes less than 10 minutes

    What You Will Learn
    • Basic setup of Facebook sharing in SS GTM
    • How to live without Facebook JS library on your website
    • Sending user data to Facebook
    • What are fbp and fbc cookies
    • Checking the quality of Facebook data
    What You Will Achieve

    You will understand how to set up data transfer to Facebook so that the data is collected correctly and the site loading speed is not affected

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    What You Will Learn
    • What is Conversion Linker
    • Sending conversions to Google Ads from server-side GTM
    • Setting up remarketing in Google Ads in the server GTM
    What You Will Achieve

    You will understand how data transfer to Google Ads works and why 302 response is sometimes good too

    What You Will Learn
    • Connecting the GTM library from your own subdomain
    • Custom client for GTM
    • Setting up cross-domain tracking in the Google Tag Manager server
    • Transformations in server-side GTM
    What You Will Achieve

    You will learn how to learn how to load GTM even if the visitor has an ad blocker. And some other features of working with GTM Server-Side

how much?

Course Fee

Your Ticket to the World of AnalyticsYouTodayProAnalytics.Price:Duration:$300AT YOUR OWN PACEYour Ticket to the World of AnalyticsYouTodayProAnalytics.Price:Duration:$300AT YOUR OWN PACE

What You Will Gain

  • 7+

    hours of video materials on the platform are divided into short videos and conveniently structured to quickly return to them when solving specific tasks.

  • 25+

    test tasks on the platform that will help to consolidate theoretical knowledge and develop skills in working with GTM Server Side.

  • 20

    tasks in the final test, which will help you assess how well you have completed the course.

  • time to complete the course. You can take the course at your own pace and manage your time, focusing more on the tasks that matter to you.

  • access to an alumni community that brings together web analytics professionals so you can continue to learn, network, and find new ideas.

  • 2

    years of unlimited access to all materials, which will allow you not only to repeat the material you have learned, but also to access updates and additional content.



Eugenia Maksymova

Eugenia Maksymova

April 1th, 2024

Макс, дякую за дуже актуальний курс Server Side GTM, я вже чекаю на нагоду використати нові знання на практиці, руки чешуться сходити на апворк, але вже після закінчення курсу з PRO Analytics. Взагалі пішла на курс, бо на проекті де я працюю ppc, думають над варіантом ss gtm. Але там в ідеалі конвер

Егор Дубинин

Егор Дубинин

October 30th, 2022

Пройшов курс із Server Side. Для мене це було дуже складне в розумінні і витратне за часом питання. Самостійно не хотілося розбиратися. Крім довідки google і статей Simo мало практичної інформації з цього питання. Макс зробив найскладнішу роботу, він все перевірив і протестував, глибоко розібрався

Юрий Елисеев

Юрий Елисеев

December 8th, 2022

Прийняв участь у курсі GTM Server Side. Проста подача складної структури та інформації. Приклади та спілкування з колегами у процесі формату тренінгу. По суті після тренінгу ви не тільки зможете налаштувати серверний ГТМ та зрозумієте принципи та бенефіти його використання, але й отримаєте практичні


Maks Hapchuk

  • In the field of Internet marketing since 2015

  • Author of the blog ANALYTICS TIPS

  • Author of the Telegram channel ANALYTICS TIPS

  • Author of the YouTube channel ANALYTICS TIPS

  • Lecturer at the online school of digital professions Superludi

  • Certified Google Analytics

  • Lecturer at the School of Contextual Advertising by Tatiana Mikhalchenko

  • Lecturer at the Academy of Internet Marketing WebpromoExperts

  • Lecturer at UAMASTER School of Digital Advertising


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